What are our shipping options, cost and delivery times?

Processing Timelines

Please allow 1-3 business days for our warehouse team to pack and ship your order. During high volume periods, your order may take up to 5 business days to dispatch from our warehouse location.

Depending on the purchased items, your orders will ship from one or multiple US/international warehouses. So occasionally you may receive your order in multiple parts. If items from your order ship in separate packages, we’ll send you tracking information for each package when it becomes available.

Delivery Timelines

For the most up to date delivery time estimates, please refer to the shipping timeline at checkout. All transit times are measured in business days which are Monday-Friday, excluding holidays.

*Please note, all shipping timelines are estimates and are not guaranteed.

US Orders

Orders within the United States will be shipped with DHL and USPS based on your address and carrier availability. U.S. Territories and APO/FPO destinations are excluded.

*Please note, Shipping is non-refundable. Hawaii and Alaska shipping fees are adjusted periodically according to our real costs.

Destination Price Threshold Delivery Time
48 Contiguous United States $5.99 USD Orders under $35 USD 3-10 business days
48 Contiguous United States Free Shipping Orders over $35 USD 3-10 business days
Hawaii or Alaska $10.21 USD Orders under $35 USD 5-12 business days
Hawaii or Alaska $14.12 USD Orders over $35 USD 5-12 business days

International Orders

Orders are shipped from one of our international warehouses, based on your address and carrier availability.

*Please note, Shipping is non-refundable. Duties and taxes are not included in shipping fees. Customers are responsible for any customs/ duties upon receipt of order.

Destination Price Threshold Delivery Time
International $9.99 USD Orders under $75 USD 5-20 business days
International Free Shipping Orders over $75 USD 5-20 business days

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